Modul 3:
Individuální samostudium

Série interaktivních online kurzů zaměřených na seznámení s dovednostmi a myšlením potřebnými k prosazování změn a rozvoji manažerského umění v prostředí státní správy.

  • V pravidelných měsíčních intervalech se budeme rozvíjet formou individuálních online kurzů, které exkluzivně poskytuje Apolitical, největší platforma pro rozvoj více než 200 tis. úředníků ve 136 zemích na světě. Kurzy si můžete projít v čase, kdy se to hodím přesně vám - ať přes den v kanceláři nebo večer v pohodlí domova.

  • Kurzy pro vás vybíráme podle aktuálního průběhu programu, zohledňujeme také zaměření skupiny a její individuální potřeby.

  • Všechny kurzy jsou velmi interaktivní, budete sdílet svoje zkušenosti a inspiraci získáte od celosvětové komunity. Kurzy jsou v angličtině.

  • People Management for Public Servants

    The key to a successful team isn’t having the most advanced project management software: it’s being able to get the best out of people.

    Effective people management is one of the most essential skills public servants can develop, but also one of the hardest to get right.

    In this course, you’ll get an introduction to the fundamentals of people management, including individual management and managing a whole team.

    Whether you’re considering whether management is right for you, moving into a management role for the very first time, have just taken on a new position managing a whole team, or have been a manager for years, there’s something in this course for you.

  • Silo-Busting for Public Servants

    It’s no secret that governments around the world have a silo problem. Different teams and even whole departments often work at cross-purposes, duplicating rather than enabling one another’s work.

    But the issues facing governments today, like global climate change and pandemics, cut across traditional barriers and mean that now, more than ever, something’s got to change.

    The good news?

    By understanding what causes silos and developing strategies for working through them, it’s possible to break through them to tackle wicked problems more effectively. This course will help you do just that.

  • How to Be a Resilient Public Servant

    There are a few tools every public servant should have in their toolbox in order to have a great career, like writing a great email or making smart decisions.

    But there’s a powerful tool that’s often overlooked: resilience.

    With resilience, you can tackle any challenge that comes your way and not only survive turbulent times — you can thrive.

    In this course, you’ll learn why resilience is so important in the public service and find out how to develop it for yourself and your colleagues.

  • Change Management for Public Servants

    The stakes are high when change isn’t properly managed, particularly in government: money is wasted, public servants burn out and citizens don’t see the outcomes they deserve. Learn how to anticipate, react to and drive change in government to deliver positive outcomes for citizens and colleagues.

    By the end of this course, you will be able to:

    Understand the theory behind change management, debunk the buzzwords and learn how it’s being applied in the public service

    Get reflective and explore your own emotions and responses to change

    Practice driving change by planning out an idea, thinking through why your change is needed, what it would improve and how it can be implemented

    Frame problems effectively and run your own change workshops by applying lessons from experienced public servants

  • Stakeholder Engagement 101

    Stakeholder engagement is an essential skill for public servants in any kind of role or department, from policy to delivery and everything in between.

    But too often, it’s overlooked outside of formal project management contexts.

    In this course, you’ll learn how to plan for stakeholder engagement.

    Find out who you need to reach out to, how to get them on board, and how to manage complexity — both inside and outside the public service. At the end of the course, you’ll have a downloadable stakeholder engagement plan you can use for your next project, policy or programme.

  • And more courses are coming later...

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